Hello there!

We're happy to have your new manga series on our magazine. Time to dive into your creativity and fish out some fresh new ideas!

Now, a couple of tips before you start:

1. Use Left/Right Arrows or A/D to move; use Down Arrow or S to fish.

2. When you get an idea, you can use it on the current episode or keep it in your head for later. Both options are valid.

3. Make sure you leave enough time to put the ideas you've collected on paper. We cannot sell what's still in your head ;)

4. Try not to reuse the same idea in one episode. Readers can get bored, you know.

5. You should be aware of how well your current episode will be received by the readers *off the top of your head*.


Edward Itor

Editor @ Deep Sea Manga Weekly


Post jam bug fixes:

- Fixed the start button when replaying the game

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